Monday, July 9, 2012

Number Theory-The Power of Prime

     Once again this week I am floored by all the new things that I am learning/considering about math.  I am not sure if I was taught but didn't learn or if I was never taught at all, or if I just can't remember that far back. What I do know is that I want my students to understand and retain math so they don't feel the frustration I felt in school. Take prime numbers,  I knew what a prime number was, but I never gave it much thought beyond that.  They may only be divisible by itself and the number 1,  but combined with other prime numbers, they create all the other whole numbers. So many math concepts are built off of prime numbers.  There is meaning to be taught in math beyond formulas and rules.  I remember memorizing the times table but I don't remember the divisibility chart
     At first I was thinking this was just another formula or clever memory tool, but the more I thought about it, the more valuable it seemed.  The difference between this and memorizing the times table, is that you thinking while you are using it.  You are applying what you know about certain numbers to solve other problems.  This type deductive reasoning will allow students to use their prior knowledge which is crucial in math and preparing for the next concept. 
     Understanding prime, composite, factors, multiples, etc. now, will build a solid mathematical foundation built off meaning, not memorization.  The ability to do math in your head in a world of technology is impressive.  If we teach kids how to think and reason mathematically, we will empower them to apply it in all other areas of their lives. Even if they don't know how to solve a certain math problem, I want them to at least be able to break it down with what they do know and rule out other answers.   Growing up I used my fingers to solve math problems, I want my future students to use their brains.  Another way to make sense of math concepts is to relate them to real life.  By connecting math to life we can gain new perspective.  This video does just that!

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